Ford Future Programm

Ford Future Programm

Beitragvon shelby338 » Fr 4. Mär 2016, 00:04

Hallo allerseits

In dem amerikanischen Forum Mustang6G wurde heute die Zukunftsstrategie von Ford veröffentlicht.
Demnach soll das 7. Generation des Mustangs bereits 2020 gebaut werden. Die neue Plattform wird S650 genannt.

7th Generation Mustang (S650) Info:

"Program code for the next‐generation Mustang (S550(ng)) has been changed to S650 and the SOP has been shifted back from January 2022 to May 2020. Subsequently, the EOP for the S550 has been moved to April 2020.

Some other great Ford items...


- Production for the Ford Edge (CD539) has been moved ahead to September 2021 from December 2021. The program code for Ford Edge (CD539(ng)) has been updated to CDX706. In addition,
production has been moved ahead to October 2021 from January 2022.

- Current‐generation Ford Escape (C520)’s facelift timing has been moved to March 2016 from June 2015; production will end November 2018. Subsequently, timings for the Ford Escape (C482) have been adjusted at both Cuautitlán and Louisville Truck with SOP December 2018, a refresh for January 2022, and EOP for August 2024.

- EOP for Ford Explorer (U502) has been moved back to December 2018 from September 2018. This results in a timing shift for the Ford Explorer (U625 having an SOP in January 2019, a facelift for January 2022, and an EOP for December 2025).

- Rather than the next‐generation Fiesta, the C484 program will be a Small Car to replace the Fiesta at Cuautitlán. The Ford Flex (D471) and Lincoln MKT (D472) EOPs have been moved out three years from December 2015 to December 2018.

- Program code for the next‐generation Mustang (S550(ng)) has been changed to S650 and the SOP has been shifted back from January 2022 to May 2020. Subsequently, the EOP for the S550 has been moved to April 2020.

- The lifecycle for the Ford Taurus (D258) has been extended out beyond our forecast horizon to June 2023 from June 2017.

- EOP for the Lincoln Continental (D544) has been moved from March 2022 to May 2023 and therefore shifting the next‐generation out of the forecast horizon.

- Added a Large Sedan to the forecast for Lincoln with a program code of CD714, SOP of July 2020, facelift of Jul‐2023, and EOP of June 2026.

- Lincoln Midsize SUV (U611) SOP shifted from February 2019 to January 2019.

- The next‐generation Lincoln MKX SOP was moved out from January 2021 to March 2022. The program code was also changed from U540(ng) to CDX707. The facelift for the CDX707 was changed as well from December 2023 to March 2025 and the EOP from December 2026 to February 2028. The U540 EOP was shifted as a result from December 2020 to February 2022 and the facelift from November 2017 to May 2018.

- The Lincoln MKZ (CD533) EOP was extended from July 2018 to June 2019. The next‐generation MKZ (CD622) was moved from the Hermosillo plant to Flat Rock Assembly with an SOP of July 2019 (was August 2018), facelift of July 2022 (was July 2021), and EOP of June 2026 (was July 2024).

Was die anderen Autohersteller planen, könnt ihr hier lesen:

NA Automotive Production Forecast (June 2015) from UHY LLP.pdf
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Re: Ford Future Programm

Beitragvon Kowalski » Di 8. Mär 2016, 17:57


finde die Ankündigung historisch. Sollten wir in jedem Fall im Auge behalten. S650 und schon Neuauflage vor dem eigentlichen Wechsel.

Mir persönlich ist die Sicht auf vier Jahre aber etwas unsicher. Bis dahin kann viel passiert sein. Augen auf.

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